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  March 28, 2025
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Did you know hypnosis is one of the fastest, safest, and most effective ways of working with issues that are creating challenges in your life? Hypnosis allows you to tap into the unconscious part of your mind to create new healthy goals for yourself. Tapping into the unconscious mind allows you, the client, to feel your unlimited potential in every aspect of your life.

There is nothing occult about hypnosis. Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state of mind that everyone enters into each day. Curtis W. Johnson of Magic Valley Hypnosis is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists and follows its code of ethics and guidelines giving you the client the best level of care available in Southern Idaho.

Here are just a few of the ways hypnosis can help you improve the quality of your life.

    Acceptance of Self
    Hypnosis for Childbirth
    Addictions Hypnosis for Weight Loss
    Anger Insomnia
    Anorexia/Bulimia Irritable Bowel Syndrome
    Anxiety Pain Management
    Bed Wetting (Children) Poor Self Image
    Childhood Trauma Premature Ejaculation
    Chronic Fatigue Public Speaking
    Compulsions Relationship Issues
    Depression Sexual Difficulties
    Enhance Creativity Shy Bladder
    Fears & Phobias Shyness
    Forgiveness Smoking Cessation
    Gender Identity Social Anxiety
    Grief Sports Enhancement
    Guilt Stuttering
      Teeth Grinding

After browsing this site if you still have questions or would like to schedule an appointment please give Curtis W. Johnson, certified hypnotherapist a call at 208-731-3895 or email

Thank You for visiting this site!


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